Tribute Wall
Visitation at Funeral Home
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Thursday, December 21, 2023
FitzGerald-Sommer Funeral Home
17 S. Delaware Avenue
Yardley, Pennsylvania, United States
Visitation at Main Service
10:00 am - 11:15 am
Friday, December 22, 2023
St. Ignatius Of Antioch Church
999 Reading Ave.
Yardley, Pennsylvania, United States
11:30 am
Friday, December 22, 2023
St. Ignatius Of Antioch Church
999 Reading Ave.
Yardley, Pennsylvania, United States
Final Resting Place
1:00 pm
Friday, December 22, 2023
All Saints Cemetery
291 W. Durham Road
Newtown, Pennsylvania, United States

Eli Dweck posted a condolence
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Lisa and Matthew-
Jim will be dearly missed. I enjoyed both the clinical and non clinical experiences I shared with Jim.
I remember his first day in the Alliance practice and his presence at Tumor board.
Through the years Jim and I collaborated on many cases. It was always good intellectual conversations that we both enjoyed.
However, a lot of our discussions also included baseball, a sport Jim was quite passionate about. He enjoyed hearing my travel stories. As a family we would travel to the all-star game and Jim was always ready to discuss the events when I returned.
The memory I am most moved by was when he saw the garden and benches I had donated to the hospital. He really enjoyed them.
Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time
Eli and Linda Dweck
Allen Terzian posted a condolence
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Jim will be missed by me our nurses and everyone else in our practice. He was deeply respected by all 36 oncologists in Alliance..
He made us all better doctors
Dave and Nancy Weldon posted a condolence
Saturday, December 23, 2023
We knew Jim and Lisa during the residency years (1981-1984) in San Francisco, and Dave became good friends with Jim. Jim was a great guy, had a great sense of humor, and he shared many of the same interests that Dave had in sports and politics. He was an incredibly sharp resident. We first met him when the guys went through the Officers Basic Training in San Antonio, and Dave and Jim stayed in touch as their careers unfolded. We had great times together playing tennis on the Presidio of San Francisco near their quarters and also visiting nearby Lake Tahoe. Jim was very dedicated to his family, and he loved his home town in Philadelphia. People like him don't come along too often. Lisa and Jim were a real team even back then. He will be badly missed. He was beautifully cared for by his family, and he survived a tough cancer that claims people much quicker than it did Jim. Our deepest condolences to Lisa and Matthew.
Dave and Nancy Weldon
The family of James Joseph Perry uploaded a photo
Friday, December 15, 2023

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17 S. Delaware Ave
Yardley, Pennsylvania 19067-1539
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