Tribute Wall
Visitation at Funeral Home
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Thursday, March 21, 2024
FitzGerald-Sommer Funeral Home
17 S. Delaware Avenue
Yardley, Pennsylvania, United States
Visitation at Main Service
9:30 am - 10:30 am
Friday, March 22, 2024
Sacred Heart Church
343 S. Broad Street
Trenton, New Jersey, United States
10:30 am
Friday, March 22, 2024
Sacred Heart Church
343 S. Broad Street
Trenton, New Jersey, United States
Final Resting Place
1:30 pm
Friday, March 22, 2024
Washington Crossing National Cemetery
Newtown, Pennsylvania, United States

Donna Jackson posted a condolence
Sunday, March 24, 2024
I met John Warren in 1989 as a new hire to Mobil International Aviation and Marine Sales Inc. in Fairfax, Virginia. We had a wonderful group of folks with the added blessing of friendships that grew & have lasted the test of time.
I like to say John Warren was EXTRA! He didn’t just talk-the-talk, John walked-the-walk each & every day of his beautiful life.
John led by example at work & in his personal life. He was a mentor who’s door was always open. No matter how busy he was, he made EXTRA time to answer any question or discuss any topic. And always with that John Warren million dollar smile that immediately put you at ease.
He was EXTRA generous sharing his knowledge, lending an ear, a shoulder to lean or cry on, paying the tab for the entire coffee line or bringing you a delicious box of salt water taffy from Shriver’s!
He was a role model as a faithful servant of God, husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, mentor, cheerleader, friend…I could go on & on. Anyone who knew John, knew he loved his beautiful wife Rita & adored their children Gina, Michelle & Kevin as well as the Grands & Great-Grands! John was EXTRA proud of all of you.
I always had the biggest grin when my phone rang & it was John. He started the same each time. Is this Donna Jackson? Thee Donna Jackson that I love more than any other Donna Jackson in the whole world? He just had a way of making you feel EXTRA special. We would chat away & then came one of my favorite parts, John would say with pure joy & a smile you could feel through the phone, “so now I have to brag a bit” & he would catch me up on the latest & greatest in each of your lives.
Simply put, John Warren was one of the Good Guys that I’ve been EXTRA blessed & honored to call my dear friend.
Sweet Rita, Gina, Michelle, Kevin & the entire Warren family, you remain in my thoughts & prayers.
Much Love & BIG Hugs Always,
Donna & Eric Jackson & Family
Gina Posted Mar 24, 2024 at 10:04 PM
Tabitha & SK Leung lit a candle
Saturday, March 23, 2024

Dearest Rita,
We are so sad to hear that John has gone to be with the Lord a few days ago. This must be a great loss for you, and as well for us.
Both you and John are very significant persons to our family. The kindness, love, care and support you have for us are unmeasurable. John has lived a beautiful life on earth. He will always be on our minds. We'll definitely see him again someday in Heaven.
May the Lord comfort you and strengthen you at this difficult time and as you move on. We know that John is now resting in peace in the loving arms of God. Please take care and our prayers are with you.
We don't know whether you'll continue to live alone, or you may move to your daughters. Please let us know where you will be so that we may visit you when we go to the US again. ❤️❤️❤️
Much love,
Tabitha & SK (from Hong Kong)
Paolo Resi lit a candle
Saturday, March 23, 2024

Dear Rita and Family,
What to say about JW: a person of a great humanity, personality and impact on the persons who have got the chance to meet him ad become his friend. The above attributes were evident in His capacity to build a lovely family, now sticking together to mourn this loss, and educating three lovely children with the same sense of family.
Our friendship goes back to1969 when I was appointed by Mobil Oil Italian to spend one year at Mobil Paulsboro N.J. Tech Service. John was not my direct boss at that time, but we and our families became friends . Since then, we took any possible opportunity to meet (either in Italy or USA) and reinforce this friendship which I have always been proud of.
We have a lot of memories of our family get togethers.
John was a special boss. He has been a great Mentor for me and for the people in his team.
Work, family and friendship were not the only special JW’s attitude. John was very active at the Church and at charity activities.
Dear Rita and Family, myself, Giuliana and our kids are saddened by the immeasurable loss Accept our condolences. You all are in our thoughts and prayers.
Have a big hug from all of us
Paolo & Giuliana
Michael Keegan posted a condolence
Friday, March 22, 2024
Mr. Warren's kindness, generosity, and spirit shine brightly in this photo of him. Allow me to share a brief yet enduring memory I have of him. Mr. Warren was not only my basketball coach but also the father of my girlfriend during my grade school years.
Whenever I saw him over the years, he delighted in recounting the story of his motivational halftime speech and encouragement that helped me turn the tide in the second half of one of our games. Despite facing an opponent who was bigger, stronger, and more athletic, his words instilled in me the confidence to turn things around. I could always sense the pride he felt in my performance during that game, and it filled me with a sense of accomplishment.
My heart goes out to Mrs. Warren, Michelle, Gina, Kevin and the rest of the family. I hope you find comfort and support from those around you and find solace and peace in the many memories of him
Rabia Ghadry posted a condolence
Friday, March 22, 2024
John Warren was a great boss and mentor during my career at Mobil Oil. He hired me and remained a great friend throughout the years. He was a devoted and proud family man. He was like a father figure to me. I am honored to have known him. He will be missed dearly! Deepest condolences to the whole family from Rabia Ghadry and Loren Fetzer.
Gina Posted Mar 24, 2024 at 10:19 PM
Thank you Rabia,
I know how much he loved you and Larry. We would still talk about how you gave Jessica (my daughter) the little stuffed piggy and ice cream when we visited him at his office. Those babies are 32 and 30 now. How time flies. Thank you for your kind words. We truly appreciate it.
Love, Gina
John J McCloskey, Sr. uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Dear Rita and Family: As you know, John was not only my boss for a time at Mobil International Aviation and Marine Sales when we were located in Manhattan, but also a good friend and mentor to me. I regret having lost touch since John's retirement celebration, but his memory will live forever in my reverie, the details of which are many and pleasant. I recall the days when I would carpool with John from your home in Yardley and take NJT to Penn Station. We would walk crosstown (he was hard to keep up with!) and occasionally attend Mass at a church somewhere on the way. I enjoyed the privilege of engaging with him in our many and varied topics of conversation, all of which were personal and endearing. He loved his family so much and his example and advice about family matters left an enduring impression on me. In some ways, I tried to model my life after his. He was a tough act to follow. As you may know, Dawn and I have three kids; Suzanne, John Jr., and Christine (and 8 grandkids). We, too, love them and are so proud of them. We recall when John and Gina stopped by our home in Langhorne to welcome Christine into the world.
On those trips to and from work, he shared lots of advice about the things that really matter in life. He taught me how to keep my life in balance, between work life and family life. He was a truly amazing human being, but you know that. Dawn and I are honored and privileged to have known him. His earthly legacy, which we celebrate, speaks for itself He has earned his place in Heaven. May God's Perpetual Light shine upon him forever and may we all be reunited with him in the mystical Body of Christ.
With much love and our sincerest condolences to you, Rita, and to the extended Warren family, John & Dawn McCloskey and family, Huddleston, VA.
patti keegan posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
So what does one say about John Warren ? Is there enough space or enough Time? Probably NOT !
So instead I wlll tell his beloved family how very grateful the Keegan family is for having the precious gift of the Warrens's a part of our lives. It started in Yardley at St. Ignatius moving onto Ocean City. Through out those years Rita and John, Ted and I would catch up! I would chat with John after morning mass at St Francis Cabrini, while John's Church ladies looked on !
John was a sweet man with smiling eyes. John held close to his heart 3 things his wife, his family and his GOD!
Now he has gone home to HIM!
I was told that someone you love is never truly gone as long as their stories are told Having said this , rest assured that John will NEVER be gone for there are
many John Warren stories !
And we cherish each and every one ! Patti and Ted Keegan
The family of John H. Warren uploaded a photo
Monday, March 18, 2024

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