Tribute Wall

Martha Tarafa posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
I am so sorry to learn that Robin has passed. She was a classmate at both St Christopher’s and Morris Catholic HS. I lived a few houses away from her childhood home on Halsey Road. When I moved into the neighborhood she gave me a ‘welcome to the neighborhood’ party. We were in fifth grade.
We also walked to the bus stop together in HS. And later she would often give me a ride to school in her adorable black VW beetle.
I was so glad to see Robin and spend time talking with her at our 50th HS class reunion.
My sincere sympathy to her family.
Kathy OHalloran posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Robin & I were childhood friends when we were growing up in Parsippany. We went to grade school & high school together. I have so many good memories of Robin and the fun times we had playing at each other’s homes. This took me by surprise and I know that her gentle spirit will live on. She was truly a great friend.
Bob Hanlon posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
My cousin Robin and I always had a special connection. I'm just a little older. As Christina said Thanksgiving was a must, always great. Her passing has really hit us hard. Robin kept us connected. Now it's up to us.
Marcia Hunter uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, December 26, 2023



Knowing and spending time with dear Robin was a blessing. We have many happy memories that will always be with us. Bob and Marcia Hunter, and Dave and Charlene Hutchison.
Christina A Gordon posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Haynes' family holiday meals were always special occasions. The company and food were not to be missed. I always looked forward to Robin's contributions. Her glazed carrots, homemade cranberry sauce, and famous brussel sprouts; all mouth watering dishes. Recipes I attempted to make but never could replicate; for something always seemed to be missing. Must've been the 'love,' as Robin always did everything with love. One recent Christmas, Robin took on the challenge of making traditional Irish plum pudding. It happens to be a lengthy and complicated process. But Robin forged ahead, following the recipe quiet determination, patience, and meticulous attention to detail. The result: Delicious perfection! It was no surprise that the family devoured dessert. I remember Robin quietly commenting, 'I feel like a real Irish woman now.'
Maith thu, Robin, Maith thu.
Jim Winston posted a condolence
Saturday, December 23, 2023
Sometimes the quiet and modest souls are the most impactful. Robin was smart and tough, but she was also kind and generous. It is no wonder she was well loved. As a young employee in the mid 80's, I was one of many who benefited from her guidance. Condolences to Al and the family. Robin was so very special.
Larry Rout posted a condolence
Friday, December 22, 2023
Robin was one of the first people I met at Dow Jones when we were both at the ticker. Over the decades, she was the person I went to when I needed a voice of sanity. I went to her often.
Robin was smart, thoughtful, loyal and kind. You couldn't ask for more than that.
Melanie Viola posted a condolence
Friday, December 22, 2023
My condolences to Al and all of Robin's family. I will always have fond memories of Robin. She was a kind face in the Princeton office, always eager to help resolve issues, and truly cared about everyone.
Jim Pensiero posted a condolence
Friday, December 22, 2023
I had the honor of working with Robin for 31 years, laboring together days, nights and weekends as The Wall Street Journal newsroom moved from Cortlandt Street to the World Financial Center, South Brunswick and 1155 Avenue of the Americas. Robin was one of the true pillars of the Journal, keeping the paper clean for our readers by running the Monitor Desk while also identifying and developing wave upon wave of young editing and reporting talent. She was smart, thorough, patient and, above all, calm during each edition's relentless deadline pressure. Robin always took the time to carefully explain things--helping me learn how the Journal's news-production workflow operated during my rookie year as a green copy editor. For that care and kindness I'll always be eternally indebted. Though the Journal was a somewhat analog beast when I joined in 1984, Robin worked tirelessly to ensure that our transition to desktop publishing went smoothly. Her attention to detail was unmatched, as was her commitment to both the paper and her colleagues. I'm glad that Robin and Al found each other, and I send our family's deepest sympathy to Al and Robin's family. Rest in peace, my friend. Jim Pensiero
Tim Carroll posted a condolence
Friday, December 22, 2023
Robin was a pro’s pro. She was the soul of The Wall Street Journal.
Bill Power uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, December 21, 2023

Robin was the best--she had a lot of responsibility at The Wall Street Journal, first in hiring young editors, and later on in running the print-production operation. But she always did it with humanity and kindness, a great combination. Here she is with some of us youngin's on the Monitor Desk, the proofreading/production arm that we used to have and where many WSJ veterans got their start under Robin.
Cristina Lourosa posted a condolence
Thursday, December 21, 2023
I have Robin to thank for my career at the Journal. She hired me back in 1991 as a news assistant and was a mentor from the start not only to me but to countless others just starting out in journalism. She was kind but no-nonsense. You knew that Robin always had your back. And she was a champion of boosting women within the company. Some of my fondest memories at the Journal are from the time working for Robin on the Monitor Desk.
The family of Robin Haynes uploaded a photo
Thursday, December 21, 2023

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